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 We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.

Ići dole 
Domino Dama
Mon amour
8 posters
Just The Way You Are
Just The Way You Are

Ženski Broj poruka : 93
Datum upisa : 01.06.2014

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimeNed Jun 01, 2014 9:29 am

Ćaos hooligani

Ja sam Jovana,17 godina,Novi Sad

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Large
Pitaje ako vas nešto zanima
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Mon amour
Mon amour

Ženski Broj poruka : 126743
Datum upisa : 04.04.2011
Godina : 33
Lokacija : Bratislava

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimeNed Jun 01, 2014 3:56 pm

Welcome, have fun Smile
Sa Girls forevera si, je l'?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Tcdmir11
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight

Ženski Broj poruka : 82114
Datum upisa : 18.04.2011
Godina : 29

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimePon Jun 02, 2014 2:18 pm


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”
— Nikita Gill
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimePon Jun 02, 2014 2:41 pm

Dobrodoslaaa Smile Uzivaj Smile

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Tumblr_msqyvvoQpP1r0jb95o2_500
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
It Will Rain
It Will Rain

Broj poruka : 1144
Datum upisa : 29.01.2012
Godina : 28
Lokacija : nedođija bb

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimePon Jun 02, 2014 8:45 pm

Dobrodošla, zabavi se. Very Happy

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure’s all you’ve known.
Remember all the sadness and frustration
And let it go. Let it go.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Vehicle of spirit
Vehicle of spirit

Ženski Broj poruka : 24038
Datum upisa : 26.04.2011
Godina : 34
Lokacija : NY

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimePon Jun 02, 2014 8:47 pm

Dobrodosla Smile

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. C41c4011
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Just The Way You Are
Just The Way You Are

Ženski Broj poruka : 93
Datum upisa : 01.06.2014

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimePon Jun 02, 2014 9:55 pm

Hvala vam na dobrodošlici  HVALA 

Da,sa girl frieds foruma sam
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Catherine Earnshaw
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Catherine Earnshaw

Ženski Broj poruka : 33087
Datum upisa : 12.06.2011
Godina : 26
Lokacija : Asgard

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimePon Jun 02, 2014 11:18 pm

Welcome  Very Happy 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. 30e5f158f09b7bfddd4eab14079eb61a55a0600b_hq
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Zemlja čuda
Stvaran svet oko mene
Stvaran svet oko mene
Zemlja čuda

Ženski Broj poruka : 7291
Datum upisa : 19.07.2011

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimeUto Jun 03, 2014 6:41 pm

Dobrodosla Smile

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. E9b5e12a5183440dacf6d207c2717c39
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Mon amour
Mon amour

Ženski Broj poruka : 126743
Datum upisa : 04.04.2011
Godina : 33
Lokacija : Bratislava

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitimeUto Jun 17, 2014 12:24 am


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Tcdmir11
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Sponsored content

We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.   We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. Icon_minitime

Nazad na vrh Ići dole
We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.
Nazad na vrh 
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