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 Preporučite seriju

Ići dole 
Vehicle of spirit
Mon amour
Milica Novoa Pazos
Domino Dama
12 posters
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Mon amour
Mon amour

Ženski Broj poruka : 126716
Datum upisa : 04.04.2011
Godina : 33
Lokacija : Bratislava

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimePon Jan 30, 2012 1:14 am


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Poslednji izmenio bella y bestia ♥ dana Sre Nov 11, 2015 11:24 pm, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Feb 05, 2012 10:57 pm

Hmmmm.. Ovakoo The vampire diaries, Gossip girl, Ringer, Once upon a time....

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Got You On The Run
Got You On The Run

Ženski Broj poruka : 496
Datum upisa : 22.09.2012
Godina : 29
Lokacija : Manhattan

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Sep 30, 2012 10:33 am

Gossip girl, Grey's Anatomy, Dr.House, Private practice, Sex and the city & Friends

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Lost and insecure, you found me...
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight

Ženski Broj poruka : 82103
Datum upisa : 18.04.2011
Godina : 28

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Sep 30, 2012 12:34 pm

Internat Very Happy

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”
— Nikita Gill
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Sep 30, 2012 7:34 pm

Da nastavim ja Very Happy Teen Wolf, Nikita, Covert Affairs, Pretty Little Liars, One Tree Hill

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight

Ženski Broj poruka : 82103
Datum upisa : 18.04.2011
Godina : 28

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Sep 30, 2012 7:38 pm

Criminal minds obavezno! Very Happy

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”
— Nikita Gill
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Sep 30, 2012 8:30 pm

Zaboravila Hart of Dixie Smile Opustajuca serija, komicna Smile

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight

Ženski Broj poruka : 82103
Datum upisa : 18.04.2011
Godina : 28

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Sep 30, 2012 8:36 pm

True Blood ^^

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”
— Nikita Gill
Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Ženski Broj poruka : 35968
Datum upisa : 19.04.2011
Godina : 27

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Dec 23, 2012 9:18 am

Seranovi bre xD
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight
Dirty Dancer In The Moonlight

Ženski Broj poruka : 82103
Datum upisa : 18.04.2011
Godina : 28

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeNed Dec 23, 2012 10:54 am

How i met your mother Very Happy

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”
— Nikita Gill
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimePet Jan 04, 2013 4:50 pm

Arrow, Merlin

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Milica Novoa Pazos
Starting Today
Starting Today
Milica Novoa Pazos

Ženski Broj poruka : 892
Datum upisa : 13.12.2011
Godina : 33
Lokacija : Mystic Falls ^^

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeSub Jan 05, 2013 8:11 pm


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeSub Mar 16, 2013 7:08 pm

Beauty and the beast

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Mon amour
Mon amour

Ženski Broj poruka : 126716
Datum upisa : 04.04.2011
Godina : 33
Lokacija : Bratislava

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeSub Mar 16, 2013 8:13 pm

El Barco, Aguila Roja

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Domino Dama
Locked Out Of Heaven
Locked Out Of Heaven
Domino Dama

Ženski Broj poruka : 25981
Datum upisa : 27.11.2011
Lokacija : Dark paradise

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitimeSub Mar 16, 2013 8:17 pm

Sesir profesora Koste Vujica

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Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Sponsored content

Preporučite seriju Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Preporučite seriju   Preporučite seriju Icon_minitime

Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Preporučite seriju
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